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umati presents latest innovations at AMB Trend Lounge

By 05.09.2022News
AMB is the meet­ing point for the industry loc­ated in the heart of Europe. It focuses on products, tech­no­lo­gies, innov­a­tions, ser­vices and con­cepts for people who are pas­sion­ate about metal­work­ing. umati will be part of it: You can find the umati inform­a­tion booth in hall 10 / A75. Many umati part­ners from all around the world will take part. Click here for fur­ther information!
Umati also act­ively con­trib­utes to the AMB trend lounge and presents the latest innov­a­tions in digit­iz­a­tion, net­works and con­nectiv­ity. Togeth­er with numer­ous exhib­it­ors you will here encounter numer­ous excit­ing lec­tures, best prac­tices and exper­i­ence reports. Have a look at the agenda on Fri­day, Septem­ber 16:
09:30 VDI/VDE IIT Design­ing Digit­al­isa­tion in Machine Tool Build­ing in a sov­er­eign way – chal­lenges for enter­prises and employees Prof. Dr. Ernst A. Hartmann 
09:50 gem­in­eers GmbH  Data Acquis­i­tion as Ena­bler for Digit­al Twins in Manufacturing Tommy Venek
10:10 GF Machin­ing Solutions  Digit­al Trans­form­a­tion starts with in-house production Ivano Gazz­etta
10:30 Retuner  umati — Con­nect­ing the world of machinery: the digit­al solu­tion from Retuner Jens Dünker
10:50VDMA MII The Glob­al Pro­duc­tion Language Thomas Das­bach
11:10 OPC Foundation  OPC UA – THE solu­tion for Indus­trie 4.0 and IIoT Alex­an­der Allmendinger 
11:30 umati  Con­nect­ing the World of Machinery Götz Görisch
11:50 Grob / Siemens AG / Mindsphere  umati meets Mind­Sphere – The umati Mind­Sphere (World) Hackathon Markus Frank und Bernd Ullmann 
12:10 Applied Inform­a­tion Tech­no­lo­gies GmbH & Co. KG  Edge oder Cloud, was ist die richtige Basis für indus­tri­elle Lösungen? Franz Mattes
13:30 Grob  Digit­al­is­ier­ungslösun­gen „made by GROB“ – Von der Instand­hal­tung bis zum Werkzeugkre­is­lauf Emil Nigl
13:50 goCAD GmbH  Rais­ing digit­al poten­tials for CNC-man­u­fac­tur­ers: Offer cre­ation, work plan and machine pro­cess times Dr. Phil­ipp Sauter 
14:10 Axile Machines  AXILE Digit­al­ized Intel­li­gent Machines & Automation Mr. Nic­olas Budrino 
14:30 Siemens AG  Scale with Edge – bring flex­ible umati solu­tions to the shopfloor Fabi­an Hildebrandt 
14:50 Röhm GmbH  Digit­al­is­ier­ung von Span­nback­en – Spannkraft­mes­sung während der Bearbeitung Thomas Roth
15:10 Bal­luff GmbH  Mehr Eff­iz­ienz durch Trans­par­enz, mehr Flex­ib­il­ität durch Funktionalität Den­nis Seng 
15:30 JSP GmbH & Co. KG  digit­al­isa­tion chal­lenges in particle foam industry Robert Pluska
15:50 ISW  Soft­ware-defined Man­u­fac­tur­ing – Ein Ansatz zur Flex­ib­il­is­ier­ung der Fab­rik der Zukunft Michael Neubauer