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AMB, 13-17 Sep 2022

By 01.06.2022June 17th, 2024Events

AMB is the meeting point for the industry located in the heart of Europe. It focuses on products, technologies, innovations, services and concepts for people who are passionate about metalworking.


Every two years since 1982, AMB has presen­ted the high­lights of the inter­na­tion­al metal­work­ing industry. This makes it a mar­ket­place, train­ing and net­work­ing plat­form all in one. Wheth­er you are vis­it­or or exhib­it­or — over the years, AMB has become one of the most import­ant events of the industry.

In Septem­ber, umati will come back full throttle with live demon­stra­tions at both AMB and IMTS to show the bene­fits of a world lan­guage of mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing. As both ven­ues take place in par­al­lel, and many umati part­ners will be present at both trade shows, we’ll bring togeth­er live con­nectiv­ity from ALL AROUND THE  WORLD. We are look­ing for­ward to hav­ing much of the exhib­it­ors’ machinery, equip­ment and soft­ware con­nec­ted through­out both shows. Please sign up and register by using the fol­low­ing form until August 2, 2022, via Microsoft Forms:

You can find umati at AMB hall 10 / booth A75. Come by and learn more about umati!

umati also act­ively con­trib­utes to the AMB trend lounge and presents the latest innov­a­tions in digit­iz­a­tion, net­works and con­nectiv­ity. Togeth­er with numer­ous exhib­it­ors you will here encounter excit­ing lec­tures, best prac­tices and exper­i­ence reports. Have a look at the agenda on Fri­day, Septem­ber 16!

If you have any ques­tions, please do not hes­it­ate to con­tact us!


Alli­ance for Numer­ic­al Con­trol Machine Tools Inter­con­nec­tion and Inter­com­mu­nic­a­tion Pro­tocol Standard X
Beck­hoff Auto­ma­tion GmbH & Co KG C2 / 2E31
Buf­falo Machinery Co., Ltd. 10 / C42 South Build­ing / 338348
DMG Mori AG 10 / C10
Elha-Maschinen­bau Liemke KG 10 / B53
EMAG GmbH & Co. KG 4 / B51
North Build­ing / 237047
Emco GmbH 10 / C52
Fagor Auto­ma­tion, S. Coop. 2C / 2C11East Build­ing / 135237
Gebr. Heller Maschinen­fab­rik GmbH 10 / 10A31South Build­ing / 338245
GF Machin­ing Solu­tions AG 7 / 7C51
Grob-Werke GmbH & Co. KG 10 / B11
Hexagon Met­ro­logy GmbH 7 / A51
Index-Werke GmbH & Co. KG 4 / B31
J. Schnee­ber­ger Maschinen AG North Build­ing / 236918
Dr. Johannes Heiden­hain GmbH 2 / D03
South Build­ing / 339449
Kapp Niles H5 / 5B11North Build­ing / 237024
Lieb­herr-Verzahn­tech­nik GmbH 5 / C51
N3 / 236914
LNS Sarl 4 / 4B71
South Hall / 338586
machine-tool mat­rix co.,ltd X
Mahr GmbH 7 / 7A61
Mit­subishi Elec­tric Europe B.V. 7 / C71
Mitutoyo Europe GmbH 7 / B15
Orches­tra Srl X
Retuner 2 / D43 + 6 / B11
Röders GmbH 7 / B88 South Build­ing / 338378
Siemens AG X
Tongji University X
umati 10 / A75East Build­ing / 134744
United Grind­ing Group AG North Build­ing / 236802
VOLLMER WERKE Maschinen­fab­rik GmbH 5 / C31
North Build­ing / 236834