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Success Stories

Con­nect­ing Brown­field with OPC UA for Machine Tool Semantics

United Grind­ing Group

Task: A cus­tom­er wanted to con­nect old machinery to a dash­board. The imple­ment­a­tion used a simple micro­con­trol­ler IoT Gate­way with OPC UA cap­ab­il­it­ies. As the Gate­way was not able to load full OPC UA Com­pan­ion Spe­cific­a­tions. To be able to con­nect the machines to a umati eco­sys­tem, simple vari­ables were imple­men­ted, fol­low­ing the umati/OPC UA for Machinery/OPC UA for Machine Tools semantics. These nodes were eas­ily integ­rated via Node Red into a dash­board modeled with Grafana.


  • Old machines
  • IoT-Device W&T Web-IO 4.0
  • NodeRed
  • Grafana
  • OPC UA 40001 & 40501

 Type of Solu­tion: Proof of Concept