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Machine tool manufacturers opening a new chapter in the roll-out of Industry 4.0

By 11.12.2020May 5th, 2021News, Press Release

The VDW will be fir­ing up the next stage of umati – the uni­ver­sal machine tech­no­logy inter­face – on 16 and 17 Decem­ber. “This is sol­id proof that the open con­nec­tion of machines is pos­sible using such stand­ards. Par­ti­cipants will be able to exper­i­ence how data from dif­fer­ent machines con­verges – live and at first hand,” says Dr. Alex­an­der Broos, umati pro­ject man­ager and Head of Research and Tech­no­logy at the VDW.

“Even though we can only meet vir­tu­ally this year, we are very excited about this oppor­tun­ity to show­case umati to the world,” Broos con­tin­ues. What does this mean? Using a vir­tu­al event format, the VDW is offer­ing five selec­ted machine tool industry part­ners of the umati Core Group the first oppor­tun­ity to present products that integ­rate func­tion­al­it­ies of the OPC UA for machine tools (OPC UA 40501–1) and OPC UA for machines (OPC UA 40001–1) specifications.

Pion­eers at this event are Grob-Werke (Mindel­heim), Heller (Nürtin­gen), Lieb­herr-Verzahn­tech­nik (Kempten), Trumpf (Ditzin­gen) and the United Grind­ing Group (Bern, Switzer­land). The two-day pro­gramme includes “meet the expert” talks, live demon­stra­tions and discussions.

“We are look­ing for­ward to show­ing in this web event just how cru­cial a part of our digit­al trans­form­a­tion strategy umati is. World­wide stand­ards help not only our cus­tom­ers, but all the part­ners involved. What’s more, they are an import­ant pre­requis­ite for cop­ing with the com­plex­it­ies of today and tomor­row,” says Chris­ti­an Josi from the United Grind­ing Group.

The OPC UA spe­cific­a­tions were pub­lished in Septem­ber 2020. Based on OPC UA as the glob­al lan­guage of pro­duc­tion, they con­sid­er­ably sim­pli­fy the con­nec­tion of machine tools to pro­duc­tion-related IT sys­tems. umati is a com­munity of the engin­eer­ing industry and its cus­tom­ers for the pro­mo­tion and intro­duc­tion of open, stand­ard­ised inter­faces based on OPC UA. The inter­face facil­it­ates data exchange between machines, com­pon­ents and sys­tems and their integ­ra­tion into cus­tom­er and user-spe­cif­ic IT eco­sys­tems — simply, seam­lessly and securely.

Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the umati web event is free of charge. Register using the fol­low­ing link:




16 Decem­ber 2020, 10:00 to 19:00

17 Decem­ber 2020, 07:00 to 19:00

16 Decem­ber:

10:00 to 10:30: Intro­duc­tion to umati and OPC UA for machine tools

14:00 to 14:30: Meet the Experts* — United Grind­ing Group

15:00 to 15:30: Live present­a­tion by United Grind­ing Group

16:00 to 16:30: Live present­a­tion by Lieb­herr Verzahntechnik

17:00 to 13:45: Live present­a­tion by Heller


18:30 to 19:00: Meet the Experts* — Heller and Lieb­herr Verzahntechnik

17 Decem­ber:

07:00 to 07:30: Meet the Experts* — Grob and Trumpf

08:00 to 08:30: Live present­a­tion by Grob-Werke

09:00 to 09:30: Live present­a­tion by Trumpf


11:00 to 11:30: Meet the Experts* — Trumpf

15:30 to 16:00: Intro­duc­tion to umati and OPC UA for machine tools

*includ­ing intro­duc­tion to umati and OPC UA for machine tools


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