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uni­ver­sal machine tech­no­logy interface


con­nect­ing the world of machinery


umati (uni­ver­sal machine tech­no­logy inter­face) is the glob­al ini­ti­at­ive for open com­mu­nic­a­tion inter­faces for the machine build­ing indus­tries and their customers.

Machine build­ers, soft­ware pro­du­cers, com­pon­ent sup­pli­ers, and users unite in a strong com­munity to pro­mote the use of open, stand­ard­ized inter­faces based on OPC UA com­pan­ion spe­cific­a­tions. umati ensures their identic­al imple­ment­a­tion, provides a plat­form to exchange exper­i­ences, cre­ates vis­ib­il­ity in the mar­ket, and provides hands-on demon­stra­tion of added val­ues at

connecting the world of machinery

There’s no better connection than a common language – which is also true for machinery.

umati facil­it­ates the data exchange between machines, com­pon­ents and install­a­tions and their integ­ra­tion into cus­tom­er- and user-spe­cif­ic IT eco­sys­tems — eas­ily, seam­lessly and securely.

umati is based on OPC UA, which provides a com­mu­nic­a­tion frame­work between devices on the shop floor. Stand­ard­ized data mod­els, which are defined in OPC UA Com­pan­ion Spe­cific­a­tions, can be eas­ily expan­ded by cus­tom­er or man­u­fac­turer spe­cif­ic data. For machinery, around 25 Com­pan­ion Spe­cific­a­tions for vari­ous tech­no­lo­gies, such as Robot­ics, Meas­ure­ment Sys­tems, Plastics and Rub­ber Machinery, Wood­work­ing,   Machine Tools, etc., have been pub­lished. 30 more are under devel­op­ment. Addi­tion­ally, the cent­ral com­pan­ion spe­cific­a­tion “OPC UA for Machinery”  con­tains basic build­ing blocks which are cru­cial for the entire machine and plant engin­eer­ing sec­tor, e.g., iden­ti­fic­a­tion, job man­age­ment, energy monitoring.

latest news


INNOTEQ, 11 — 14 March 2025

umati exhib­its at the INNOTEQ 2025 Come and vis­it us from 11 to 14 March 2025 at the Swiss­mem joint booth in…
Press Release

umati Open House

umati Open House in Shang­hai — Cre­at­ing a Demon­stra­tion Eco­sys­tem for Intel­li­gent Pro­duc­tion On the after­noon of Novem­ber 1, 2024, the umati…

Han­nov­er Messe, 31 — 4 April 2025

umati exhib­its at the Han­nov­er Messe 2025 Vis­it umati at Han­nov­er Messe 2025, one of the world’s most import­ant indus­tri­al exhib­i­tions. Among…
Part­ner News

umati has new part­ner Win­web Inform­a­tion­s­tech­no­lo­gie GmbH

Win­web Inform­a­tion­s­tech­no­lo­gie GmbH is now part of the umati com­munity What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from…

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