why should I become a partner?
- Partners involved in umati make a common promise to their customers.
- Companies benefit from a joint, strong, visible marketing presence through press work, events, trade fair appearances and showcases – across technologies or product groups:
- Companies can advertise with logo
- Participation in a showcase is advertised — proof of functionality and early adopter
- Joint central exhibition stand
- Market penetration with a uniform data interface community is accelerated and simplified
- Access to quality assurance material (test scripts/description) and later sample code and sample implementations
- Increase of acceptance and community in the customer industries
Becoming a partner
Nothing is easier than becoming an umati partner!
Our partners support the dissemination of OPC UA standards with a common implementation in the machinery industries.
umati partners provide machines or software which implement OPC UA specifications that are endorsed by umati. The number of umati endorsed standards is growing together with the community.
The implementation follows common guidelines provided by the umati community in order to realize connectivity across technology domains (e.g. security, access management, configuration).
Many umati partners contribute to the development of the endorsed OPC UA companion specifications.
List of partners
our corporate partners
Our corporate partners use umati endorsed specification in their products and work together to build the umati community.
Accessible Engineering lnnovation Corporation pvt Ltd, India, https://www.aeicor.com/global/
PROMESS Gesellschaft für produktionstechnisches Messen mbH, Germany, https://www.promess-gmbh.de/
SOTEC Software Entwicklungs GmbH + Co. Mikrocomputertechnik KG, Germany, https://www.sotec.eu/
Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG Textile Mess- und Prüftechnik, Germany, https://www.textechno.com/
our core partners
Our core partners invested into the creation of the umati community and are driving the community building forward.
our consortium partners
Our consortium parters use the umati endorsed OPC UA companion specifications for the communication part inside their respective activities.
our association partners
Our association partners are the multipliers for our mission. They actively inform and update their members about umati and the community activities. Together with them we provide support to the growing base of partners.
our research partners
Our research partners support the standardization work, develop technologies and build reference implementations.
Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB, Germany, https://www.iosb.fraunhofer.de/
Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU, Germany, https://www.iwu.fraunhofer.de/
Intelligent Sensing and digital Manufacturing Lab., National Taiwan University, Taiwan, https://www.ntu.edu.tw/
Leibniz Universität Hannover (Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Werkzeugmaschinen), Germany, https://www.ifw.uni-hannover.de/
Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen (PTW) TU Darmstadt, Germany, https://www.ptw.tu-darmstadt.de/
Sirris, The collective centre of the Belgian technology industry, Belgium, https://www.sirris.be/