umati partner insights: Focus on interfaces, innovations and digital developments!
Why is your company an umati partner and what advantages do you see?
„umati is the right way to ease connectivity of collecting Data with a common language (=Structure of the Data).”
How do you integrate the umati interfaces into your machines/devices/components/software and what advantages does this bring for your customers?
„Our Digital team does have expert who develops our GFMS OPC UA framework. Whitin the framework, we implemented the Data model “umati machine tool” containing Stacklights, machine information, Produced Parts. Our different technology units such as Milling, EDL, Laser, Additive, Automation are implementing the Framework at the machines level.
The advantage to the customer is to get a “common” set of Data with a same stucture. Means a real plug & play way of connecting machines to 3rd party software (SCADA, MES, ERP) with almost no engineering hours of integration.”
What innovations and new products will you be presenting at the trade fair in this regard?
„A new innovative software called FORM eCAM who is linking the parts and electrode design to the production at the machine level. New Digital Platform My rConnect with new features as a Digital Service to our customers. On the machines side, new Laser S 500 machine, new Milling and EDM machines.”
What developments do you see for the future of digitalisation in mechanical engineering and the manufacturing industry? And how can umati help with this?
„Sustainability is becoming more and more important a is part of the GF’s business and coporate culture. We develop within our Data Model the measurment of the power consumtion of a machine and it’s component (Chiller, chip Management, Compressed Air, Axis, etc.…).”