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WEINIG Group introduces Woodworking Companion Spec into umati Sample Server

By 12.10.2021News

We are happy to announce that the umati OPC UA sample serv­er was exten­ded by the WEINIG Group to sup­port the newly released OPC 40550–1 UA for Wood­work­ing com­pan­ion specification.

Based on open62541, an open source imple­ment­a­tion of OPC UA, Soft­ware Developers from the WEINIG Group intro­duced two sample machines con­form­ing to the Wood­work­ing Com­pan­ion Spec into the umati sample serv­er. One machine provides just the essen­tial data whilst the oth­er one provides the full spec­trum of the Wood­work­ing Com­pan­ion Specs pos­sib­il­it­ies. To enable this, they also exten­ded the open62541 lib­rary in order to sup­port the new OPC types required for instan­ti­at­ing this specification.

“Now any­one can test their Wood­work­ing Com­pan­ion Spec com­pat­ible cli­ents with the pub­licly avail­able OPC UA sample serv­er at opc.tcp://”, said Jochen Ganz, Head of New Busi­ness & Innov­a­tion of the WEINIG Group.

Are you inter­ested in how all this works? The code is open source and freely avail­able under