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Webinar: Demonstration of an OPC UA Companion Specification deployed using a Configurable No-Code OPC UA Server.

By 12.05.2022May 27th, 2022Partner News

Demonstration of an OPC UA Companion Specification deployed using a Configurable No-Code OPC UA Server.

Webin­ar Date:  Tues­day, May 24, 2022 – 15:00h CEST or 9:00AM EST – 45 minutes



The Beeond OPC UA Webin­ar is for machinery equip­ment vendors who want to learn how an OPC UA Com­pan­ion Spe­cific­a­tion like OPC 40501–1 UA for Machine Tools (UA4MT) is deployed using the Con­fig­ur­able No-Code OPC UA Serv­er from Beeond.  Beeond will dis­cuss the chal­lenges of OPC UA Serv­er adop­tion and how their new soft­ware product, EdgeX­Con­nectTM, over­comes these challenges.

EdgeX­Con­nectTM is an off-the-shelf, con­fig­ur­able No-Code OPC UA Serv­er that exposes edge device data to oth­er sys­tems. EdgeX­Con­nect sup­ports the OPC UA Com­pan­ion Spe­cific­a­tion endorsed by the umati com­munity provid­ing users a totally con­fig­ur­able, flex­ible, and eas­ily main­tained solu­tion that con­trol engin­eers can quickly deploy, lower­ing cost of deploy­ment and ongo­ing main­ten­ance for their customers.

Who Should Attend?

Machine Tool equip­ment vendors who want to learn how to quickly deploy an OPC UA solu­tion for their equip­ment using the UA4MT standard.

The Speak­ers

Stan Brubaker

Pres­id­ent, Beeond, Inc.

Stan Brubaker is a proven lead­er at help­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pan­ies real­ize and grow their busi­ness value through tech­no­logy, provid­ing IIoT soft­ware products and ser­vices with a focus on OPC UA adop­tion. Stan brings more than 20 years of expert­ise in product devel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing exe­cu­tion sys­tems (MES) to his work. Stan is act­ively col­lab­or­at­ing on key industry stand­ards such as the OPC UA MTCon­nect Com­pan­ion Spe­cific­a­tion and has writ­ten art­icles on industry rel­ev­ant topics.

Cost­antino (Cos) Pipero

Founder & Chief Tech­no­lo­gist, Beeond, Inc.

Cost­antino has 25+ years of exper­i­ence defin­ing and deliv­er­ing tech­no­logy solu­tions for the man­u­fac­tur­ing, pro­cess, and energy indus­tries. Cost­antino is act­ively col­lab­or­at­ing on key industry stand­ards such as ISA95, OPC UA, and OpenSCS and has writ­ten art­icles and books on industry rel­ev­ant top­ics. Cost­antino has extens­ive exper­i­ence in devel­op­ing OPC and OPC UA solu­tions from serv­er sys­tems to embed­ded devices and has been train­ing engin­eers since 1997.

About Beeond

Beeond, Inc. is a soft­ware com­pany that provides Equip­ment OEMs, Tech­no­logy Vendors, Sys­tem Integ­rat­ors and End Users with soft­ware products to quickly enable their products and sys­tems with the OPC UA inter­op­er­ab­il­ity stand­ard.  Beeond’s product, EdgeX­Con­nectTM, is an off-the-shelf, con­fig­ur­able No-Code OPC UA Serv­er that exposes edge device data to oth­er sys­tems. EdgeX­Con­nect sup­ports all the exist­ing OPC UA Com­pan­ion Spe­cific­a­tions provid­ing users a totally con­fig­ur­able, flex­ible, and eas­ily main­tained solu­tion that con­trol engin­eers can quickly deploy, lower­ing cost of deploy­ment and ongo­ing main­ten­ance for their customers.