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VDMA study: OPC UA in companies Now online

By 18.11.2020May 5th, 2021News

How rel­ev­ant is OPC UA? Why do com­pan­ies choose this tech­no­logy? What skills do employ­ees need to have in this area? These and oth­er ques­tions are addressed in the online VDMA study on OPC UA.


Inter­op­er­ab­il­ity is a basic pre­requis­ite for machines from dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ers to be able to com­mu­nic­ate with each oth­er in the digit­al pro­duc­tion world. OPC UA as a tech­no­logy forms the basis for the fact­ory of the future. Jointly developed stand­ards, the so-called OPC UA Com­pan­ion Spe­cific­a­tions, ensure that two machines that are net­worked with each oth­er exchange inform­a­tion uni­formly: “What type of machine is it? Who is the man­u­fac­turer? What device con­fig­ur­a­tions are avail­able? Which pro­cess data must be exchanged?”.

One top­ic — many interests: VDMA study will optim­ize OPC UA strategy

Dis­cus­sions with experts have repeatedly shown that com­pany and cus­tom­er interests are often very diverse, even with­in one industry. These must be recor­ded and incor­por­ated into the OPC UA strategy of the VDMA and into the work of the vari­ous work­ing groups. In addi­tion, many com­pan­ies repeatedly ask them­selves the ques­tion of which employ­ees they should send to work­ing groups or how they can train their employ­ees accord­ingly in order to be pre­pared for future challenges.

Your opin­ion is import­ant: Par­ti­cip­ate NOW! until Janu­ary 15th 2021

These and oth­er ques­tions must be answered from the user­’s point of view and the res­ults must be incor­por­ated into the asso­ci­ation’s OPC UA strategy. To this end, the VDMA will be con­duct­ing a study in the com­ing weeks that addresses the fol­low­ing topics:

  • The stra­tegic import­ance of OPC UA from a com­pany’s point of view
  • Tech­nic­al require­ments for an inter­op­er­able interface
  • Neces­sary skills of employ­ees on OPC UA

Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the study is pos­sible for the gen­er­al pub­lic on this web­site.

Answer­ing the ques­tions takes between 5 and 15 minutes.

Why should you participate?

Tell us your require­ments, so that we can best accom­pany you on the way to digit­al pro­duc­tion and sup­port you with tar­geted meas­ures — from the need for an inter­op­er­able inter­face to the joint devel­op­ment of OPC UA Com­pan­ion Spe­cific­a­tions and their implementation.

You have no need for inter­op­er­able inter­faces at all? Then tell us your reas­ons and your approach, so that we can include your needs in our future strategy.

Study res­ults

The res­ults of the study will be made avail­able to VDMA mem­bers and all par­ti­cipants of the study afterwards.