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umati has new partner verlinked GmbH

By 16.09.2020May 5th, 2021Partner News

ver­linked GmbH is now mem­ber of the umati community.


What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership?

We believe in the power of stand­ards. We invest a lot of effort with our cus­tom­ers to solve tech­nic­al prob­lems that only arise because every man­u­fac­turer uses dif­fer­ent formats and pro­to­cols. We want to help counter this pro­lif­er­a­tion. Through the part­ner­ship, we can apply the new stand­ards first-hand and also help shape them with our expertise.

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your customers?

With our products, we can con­vert older exist­ing plants to OPC-UA and umati with a digit­al ret­ro­fit. In this way, these machines can also be integ­rated into the digit­al fact­ory accord­ing to the umati stand­ard. In oth­er words, we make the machines tech­no­lo­gic­ally fit for the umati stand­ards. There is no need to rein­vent the wheel, because this also works as a sub­sequent update. In this way, our cus­tom­er can offer the latest con­nectiv­ity without neces­sar­ily adapt­ing the machine. Last but not least, we expect the cre­ation of uni­form data stand­ards based on OPC-UA to boost new cus­tom­er solu­tions, which can now be imple­men­ted more cost-effect­ively. The issue of con­nectiv­ity and access to data should simply no longer be an obstacle.

How do you eval­u­ate the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing industry?

We wel­come this expan­sion. The dif­fer­ent areas of mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing can thus learn from each oth­er. In this way, efforts to achieve bet­ter stand­ards will be fur­ther stim­u­lated, as every­one can see what may already be pos­sible in oth­er areas.


About ver­linked

ver­linked GmbH devel­ops soft­ware solu­tions for the acquis­i­tion and integ­ra­tion of machine data. The ver­linked con­nect gate­way is such a soft­ware solu­tion for machine data acquis­i­tion. This data gate­way is extremely flex­ible and can read data from machines of dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ers and sup­pli­ers through a vari­ety of plu­gins. For ver­linked GmbH, the biggest chal­lenge has always been that cus­tom­ers use very dif­fer­ent machines and sys­tems, but they all want to be net­worked cent­rally. With the con­nect gate­way, the prob­lem of data acquis­i­tion is solved, but also the prob­lem of integ­ra­tion. The gate­way can con­vert cap­tured data into any oth­er format and pro­tocol, mak­ing it a uni­ver­sal data translator.

As an integ­ra­tion part­ner, ver­linked GmbH goes one step fur­ther besides data acquis­i­tion. Togeth­er with the cus­tom­er, ver­linked’s soft­ware engin­eers devel­op advanced sys­tems that work with the cap­tured data. This ranges from the visu­al­iz­a­tion of data and the eval­u­ation of key fig­ures to the devel­op­ment of digit­al­ized assist­ance systems.