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umati has new partner Sodick Europe Ltd.

Sodick Europe Ltd. is now part of the umati community

What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership? 

So called “smart fact­ory” has become the glob­al stand­ard in the recent years. It is a great oppor­tun­ity for Sodick to show the mar­ket and cus­tom­ers that Sodick product range ful­fills the capability.

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your customers? 

Thanks to the stand­ard­ized com­mu­nic­a­tion cap­ab­il­ity of the soft­ware, the man­u­fac­ture can fully con­cen­trate to improve their machine performance.

Sodick does not only offer Injec­tion Mould­ing machines but also CNC con­trolled EDM, Hole Drilling machines and High Speed Milling machines. The part­ner­ship with Umati enables us to offer the total man­u­fac­tur­ing solu­tions with our wide range of products.

How do you eval­u­ate the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing industry?

The expan­sion of Umati offers the mar­ket the glob­al stand­ard of com­mu­nic­a­tion tools for dif­fer­ent kinds of machine tools/ CNC which gives every cus­tom­er the chance to real­ise “smart factory”.

About Sodick Europe Ltd.

As a lead­ing pre­ci­sion injec­tion mould machine man­u­fac­turer, Sodick con­tin­ues to pave the way in provid­ing premi­er injec­tion qual­ity and repeat­ab­il­ity. Through the devel­op­ment of V‑LINE Two-Stage Plun­ger design and the wealth of exper­i­ence as a world lead­ing EDM man­u­fac­turer, this pat­en­ted tech­no­logy is the solu­tion for pre­ci­sion mould­ing requirements.

Sodick offers both Hori­zont­al Injec­tion Mould­ing Machines from 10 to 650 tons and Ver­tic­al Injec­tion mould­ing Machines from 3 to 150 tons, and solu­tions for ther­mo­plastic, micro mould­ing, insert mould­ing and LSR-Sil­ic­one applic­a­tions for a wide range of industries.