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umati has new partner SMS digital

By 18.10.2020May 5th, 2021Partner News

SMS digit­al is now part of the umati community.


What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership?

Being part of the umati com­munity will allow SMS digit­al to offer our Learn­ing Steel Plant solu­tions to the machine tool busi­ness speak­ing the right lan­guage. Out of this cooper­a­tion, we expect a great exchange from the umati com­munity to cre­ate and define new inform­a­tion mod­els on innov­at­ive applic­a­tions in the man­u­fac­tur­ing industry. 

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your customers?

Com­ing from a long way from the OPC-UA, umati now offers a stand­ard­iz­a­tion that makes the data exchange for our ana­lyt­ics easy to use and provides a scale-up to oth­er indus­tries. The adap­tion and the data pro­cessing between machines and Cloud applic­a­tions with our SMS Data Fact­ory will be sim­pli­fied and speeded up. 

How do you eval­u­ate the expan­sion of the Umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing industry?

Mak­ing umati avail­able for the whole man­u­fac­tur­ing industry is one of the reas­ons to join the com­munity. A stand­ard­ized open Inter­face makes it much easi­er to build new applic­a­tions for data ana­lyt­ics in addi­tion­al indus­tri­al fields and offer our exper­i­ence in Digit­al­iz­a­tion not only to the steel industry. 


About SMS digital

SMS digit­al is shap­ing the next indus­tri­al revolu­tion with you. 

SMS digit­al is a lead­ing digit­al solu­tion pro­vider in the metals industry and devel­ops cut­ting-edge digit­al tech­no­logy to achieve oper­a­tion­al excel­lence with optim­ized pro­cesses. As the digit­al unit of SMS group, SMS digit­al iden­ti­fies and cre­ates innov­at­ive products for the metals industry, build­ing on the most advanced devel­op­ment tech­niques, in-depth metal­lur­gic­al pro­cess know-how, and tech­no­lo­gic­al expert know­ledge. With digit­al applic­a­tions using arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and machine learn­ing, SMS digit­al sup­ports cus­tom­ers in imple­ment­ing IIoT-solu­tions while dis­clos­ing the effi­ciency poten­tials of their learn­ing steel plants.