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umati has new partner SICA SpA

SICA SpA  is now part of the umati community

What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership? 

With umati, Sica can provide its cus­tom­ers with the latest tech­no­logy in the fields of machine com­mu­nic­a­tion stand­ards, Industry 4.0, and IIoT.

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your customers?

Umati allows Sica to be an integ­ral part in the devel­op­ment and install­a­tion of the latest innov­a­tions in the field of machine-to-machine data exchange, which means our cus­tom­ers can con­nect SICA’s machines to one anoth­er in a pro­duc­tion line.

How do you eval­u­ate the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing industry? 

For Sica, the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the whole mech­an­ic­al industry would be an import­ant con­tri­bu­tion to the stand­ard­iz­a­tion of tech­nic­al solu­tions for machine interfaces.

About SICA SpA

Sica, is a glob­ally renowned Itali­an pro­du­cer of down­stream equip­ment for plastic pipes: haul-offs, saws, belling machines, pack­aging machines, auto­ma­tion and ancil­lary equipment.

It pro­motes 200 dif­fer­ent machine mod­els, sells around 400 machines per year, exports 95% of its products worldwide.

It was estab­lished in Alf­onsine (Italy) in 1962, and it employs approx­im­ately 150 people in its two Itali­an loc­a­tions, feed­ing an import­ant num­ber of nearby suppliers.

Sica has two more com­pan­ies abroad, SPM in India and Sica Amer­ica Cor­por­a­tion in USA.

The com­pany is powered by a strong drive to deliv­er value for cus­tom­ers, employ­ees, share­hold­ers, stake­hold­ers and sup­pli­ers, while also pur­su­ing hon­est busi­ness prac­tice that is respect­ful of people and of the environment.

It is fin­an­cially sol­id, and it is devoted to research and devel­op­ment to boost the prof­it­ab­il­ity of its cus­tom­ers and works act­ively to safe­guard its indus­tri­al her­it­age. It has approx­im­ately 25 act­ive patents.

Sica wants to be recog­nized as a lead­ing “green” and socially respons­ible com­pany that anti­cip­ates the needs of cus­tom­ers in a 4.0 world.

The com­pany con­trib­utes to sav­ing energy and raw mater­i­als, and to keep­ing the envir­on­ment clean and safe. All its latest research and devel­op­ment efforts are aimed at going green and bring­ing pipe pro­du­cers sav­ings while con­trib­ut­ing to a bet­ter world. Some prac­tic­al examples are the following:

Swarfless cut and cham­fer tech­no­logy for PVC pipes which saves raw mater­i­als, elim­in­ates recyc­ling, reduces main­ten­ance costs, and assures a clean and noise­less envir­on­ment by cut­ting and cham­fer­ing pipes without remov­ing material.

Belling machines with short-wave ovens that dif­fer­ently from tra­di­tion­al ones, are act­ive only dur­ing the heat­ing phase and for the time needed to reach the final set tem­per­at­ure of the mater­i­al, thus redu­cing energy con­sump­tion and avoid­ing scrap mater­i­al.  

Sica machines are ready for Industry 4.0. Data are an asset both for the cus­tom­er and for Sica in order to con­trol and optim­ize pro­cesses, products and service.

Ser­vice is in fact vital to cus­tom­ers, and Sica is pur­su­ing ways to improve dia­gnost­ic checks and troubleshoot­ing to pre­vent failures.

Its mul­ti­lin­gual cus­tom­er care team can provide both on-site and remote assist­ance. Fur­ther­more, cus­tom­ers can eas­ily find parts to order through a user-friendly Spare Parts Portal sup­por­ted by an extens­ive spare parts stor­age for fast deliv­ery worldwide.

60 years of know-how are a big asset for cus­tom­ers, and Sica is aware of this and wants to con­tin­ue build­ing on exper­i­ence through train­ing and innovation.