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umati has new partner Moralt AG

Mor­alt AG is now part of the umati community

What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership?

“We expect the part­ner­ship to lead to fur­ther stand­ard­iz­a­tion of the inter­faces between machines and their high­er-level sys­tems. We are striv­ing to record machine data in the simplest pos­sible way in order to fur­ther increase our pro­ductiv­ity in the future by avoid­ing waste. The part­ner­ship with umati should show to the out­side that the demand for a stand­ard­iz­a­tion of the inter­faces is giv­en by the users”.

About Mor­alt AG

Mor­alt AG in Haush­am con­cen­trates exclus­ively on door blanks and door sys­tems for func­tion­al doors made of wood and on light wood mater­i­als with sol­id wood cores. In this spe­cial busi­ness we are well estab­lished as a com­pany and also inter­na­tion­ally suc­cess­ful. What may seem like “squar­ing the circle” is the order of the day for us: fire doors — made of wood! In addi­tion, there are usu­ally func­tions such as smoke and sound pro­tec­tion, burg­lar res­ist­ance, thermal insu­la­tion up to pass­ive house suit­ab­il­ity and much more. This makes it pos­sible to man­u­fac­ture eleg­ant-look­ing, high-qual­ity interi­or and exter­i­or doors for the premi­um seg­ment, which at the same time meet the grow­ing demands for sus­tain­ab­il­ity and have spe­cial unique selling points. That is why interi­or design­ers are increas­ingly using doors from licensed Mor­alt part­ners when it comes to spe­cial build­ings. Mor­alt AG now gen­er­ates more than half of its sales out­side Ger­many. Nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally, we belong to the top group in the industry and hold numer­ous patents.