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umati has new partner LASERVORM GMBH

LASERVORM GMBH is now part of the umati community 

What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership?

“For years, the data con­nec­tion of our laser machines via pro­pri­et­ary inter­faces to high­er-level sys­tems (MES, etc.) has cost us many man-weeks of work per year in terms of pro­gram­mer and com­mis­sion­ing resources, that are always in short sup­ply. For us, the umati stand­ard brings with it the pro­spect of a sig­ni­fic­antly less time-con­sum­ing and faster real­isa­tion of this task, which is now part of every­day life”.

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your customers?

“With estab­lish­ing the umati stand­ard, the amount of work will shrink from many man-weeks to man-hours. As a res­ult, costs will decrease sig­ni­fic­antly for both us and our cus­tom­ers. The real­isa­tion times for integ­ra­tion will shorten con­sid­er­ably and a high­er qual­ity stand­ard of the solu­tions can also be expected”.

How do you assess the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing sector?

“Pos­it­ive. The use cases addressed with umati are not only import­ant for machine tools in every­day work­flow. Espe­cially for com­pan­ies with a large pro­duc­tion spec­trum, a uni­form inter­face proves to be a great pro­cess advantage.”


LASERVORM, based in Alt­mit­t­weida, has been work­ing under the head­ing “Lasers in Mater­i­al Pro­cessing” since 1994.The medi­um-sized fam­ily busi­ness with over 70 employ­ees is act­ive in three main busi­ness areas: laser machine con­struc­tion, laser job order pro­duc­tion and the ser­vi­cing of laser machines. The focus of the busi­ness is on laser weld­ing, laser harden­ing and laser clad­ding with wire and powder feed.For a wide vari­ety of indus­tries such as auto­mot­ive, pre­ci­sion engin­eer­ing, electronics/sensor tech­no­logy and med­ic­al tech­no­logy, the range of products extends from mod­u­lar LV Midi and LV Mini machine sys­tems to robot solu­tions and cus­tom­ized spe­cial solutions.