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umati has new partner Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie

Haute Ecole Arc Ingénier­ie is now part of the umati community


What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership?

It is import­ant for a uni­ver­sity of applied sci­ence such as the Haute Ecole Arc Ingénier­ie to be part of this ini­ti­at­ive, both in terms of the aca­dem­ic train­ing of future engin­eers and in terms of sup­port­ing the integ­ra­tion of these data exchange pro­to­cols into the cur­rent con­nectiv­ity solu­tions of region­al companies.

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your customers?

The need to stand­ard­ize inform­a­tion exchange pro­to­cols will be a key ele­ment in the trans­ition to Industry 4.0. Being an umati part­ner today is a com­mit­ment for the future.

How do you eval­u­ate the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing industry?

umati is today a unique ini­ti­at­ive that aims to stand­ard­ize the inter­con­nectiv­ity between the dif­fer­ent act­ors of the 4th indus­tri­al revolu­tion such as micro­tech­no­logy sys­tems, soft­ware or stor­age systems.


About He-Arc Ingénierie 

The Haute Ecole Arc Ingénier­ie is the engin­eer­ing school of the Swiss Jura region. We are part of the Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­ences West­ern Switzer­land (HES-SO). Our main mis­sions con­sist in edu­cat­ing engin­eers and work­ing with the industry in the field of applied research and development.

We offer 4 Bachelor’s pro­grammes: Microen­gin­eer­ing, Indus­tri­al Design Engin­eer­ing, Indus­tri­al Engin­eer­ing and Man­age­ment, Com­puter Sci­ence and Com­mu­nic­a­tions Systems.

In the field of applied research and devel­op­ment, our stra­tegic applic­a­tion domains are in the sec­tors of Watch­mak­ing &Luxury, Health & Bio­MedTech, and Machine & Auto­ma­tion. In this per­spect­ive, we rely on com­pet­ence cen­ters to meet the needs and address the chal­lenges of the Swiss Jura indus­tri­al tis­sue : Sus­tain­able Product Design, Smart & Pre­ci­sion Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Smart sens­ing &Micro-systems, Indus­tri­al Digit­al­iz­a­tion & AI.