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umati has new partner GOODWAY MACHINE CORP.

GOODWAY MACHINE CORP. is now part of the umati community

What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership?

To estab­lish a set of glob­al stand­ard to provide vari­ous equip­ment in dif­fer­ent indus­tries can be com­mu­nic­ated with each oth­er and share data.

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your customers?

For vari­ous devices, to decrease com­mu­nic­a­tion cost, integ­rate eas­ily and access equip­ment inform­a­tion quickly.

How do you eval­u­ate the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing industry?

Through Umati, we can col­lect the data of vari­ous equip­ment in the fact­ory as the base of smart factory.


Start­ing from today and lead­ing to the future, Goodway’s ambi­tion has always been to go bey­ond lim­its while being ded­ic­ated to improv­ing our cus­tom­ers’ sat­is­fac­tion. What has kept us thriv­ing for all these years are our con­stant innov­at­ive tech­no­logy, sharp insight into the future, and unrivaled enthusiasm.

In the face of a new world after the pan­dem­ic comes with revolu­tion­ary trends in aerospace, new energy, smart man­u­fac­tur­ing, med­ic­al cloud ser­vice, and oth­er indus­tries. Good­way is sure to con­tinu­ously evolve the product lineup of turn­ing cen­ters and grind­ing machines, push­ing the over­all per­form­ance in qual­ity, pre­ci­sion, and effi­ciency to the next level, we join hands with glob­al cus­tom­ers to meet all future chal­lenges together.

A con­stant trans­form­ing Good­way join hands with our part­ners to meet future challenges.

Cov­id-19 brought about great waves in the polit­ic­al and eco­nom­ic field, reshaped industry struc­tures while gen­er­at­ing rap­id devel­op­ment in elec­tric vehicles, new energy, 5G com­mu­nic­a­tions, and med­ic­al cloud ser­vices. The next five to ten year is sure to be an era full of chal­lenges and opportunities.

Good­way will con­stantly improv­ing intern­al enter­prise, launch­ing our second expan­sion pro­ject in Chiayi plant and strength­en­ing our sales net­work in emer­ging  mar­kets. With the suc­cess­ful intro­duc­tion of TPS lean pro­duc­tion, a new gen­er­a­tion of ERP enter­prise resource plan­ning sys­tem, and high-per­form­ance human resource train­ing courses, Good­way is determ­ined in our abil­it­ies to face the future with our glob­al customers.

In terms of product research, we are aim­ing to achieve intel­li­gent, com­pound, and large-scale devel­op­ment, and has suc­cess­fully launched the new gen­er­a­tion mod­els such as multi-task­ing machines, multi-tur­ret turn­ing cen­ters, swiss type turn­ing cen­ters and super­sized ver­tic­al turn­ing centers.

We look for­ward to the future where Good­way con­tin­ues to stand proudly in the industry, devel­op­ing and solv­ing any pro­cessing needs of our customers.

Envir­on­ment­al sus­tain­ab­il­ity starts from us

Car­ry­ing on the respons­ib­il­ity in an era of zero car­bon emis­sions, green machine tools with low energy con­sump­tion, pre­cise lub­ric­a­tion, and high effi­ciency ircu­lat­ing coolant tank sys­tem is now the pri­or­ity of Good­way to refin­ing the products. In terms of envir­on­ment­al friendly, we’ve con­tin­ued to install sol­ar pan­els our fact­ory roofs, sim­pli­fy pack­aging mater­i­als, and pro­mote eco-friendly habits such as plastic reduc­tion and water-sav­ing to our col­leagues. Our goal is to imple­ment ESG and lead our com­pany to strive and grow with our nature.