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umati has new partner Flecs Technologies GmbH

By 29.07.2022August 22nd, 2022Partner News
Flecs Tech­no­lo­gies GmbH is now part of the umati community 

What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership?

The pro­spect of machines simply work­ing togeth­er in the future, regard­less of their man­u­fac­turer, is one of the greatest expect­a­tions for us at umati. For our part, we at FLECS sup­port stand­ard­iz­a­tion in indus­tri­al auto­ma­tion to sig­ni­fic­antly reduce com­plex­ity in this highly frag­men­ted mar­ket. Ini­ti­at­ives like umati are exactly the right way to go.

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your customers?

Cus­tom­ers who choose FLECS today already want to break the vendor lock-in without los­ing their iden­tity and USPs. The large net­work of part­ners is a great advant­age for us, as we at FLECS rely on con­tacts machine man­u­fac­tur­ers, PLC man­u­fac­tur­ers and app pro­viders. For us, umati is a nat­ur­al exten­sion of our ecosystem.

How do you assess the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing sector?

From FLECS’ point of view, it is essen­tial that the umati ini­ti­at­ive is exten­ded to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing sec­tor. We see the prob­lem in all mar­ket seg­ments. Par­tic­u­larly with machine oper­at­ors, machines from all seg­ments come togeth­er at the end and must also be able to com­mu­nic­ate with each oth­er in a stand­ard­ized man­ner. This is cer­tainly a major task that will require a lot of patience. How­ever, we see the poten­tial in umati to estab­lish itself as a stand­ard in the long term. That is why we have decided to enter into a partnership.


About Flecs Tech­no­lo­gies GmbH 

FLECS offers machine build­ers the pos­sib­il­ity to install, keep up-to-date and dir­ectly use hard­ware inde­pend­ent soft­ware pro­grams (apps) and firm­ware for any auto­ma­tion task quickly and eas­ily. 

A wide vari­ety of exist­ing auto­ma­tion solu­tions are made avail­able as apps via a mar­ket­place. The com­plex­ity for provid­ing, extend­ing, updat­ing and main­tain­ing the machine soft­ware decreases sig­ni­fic­antly and is com­par­able to the use of a smart­phone. The digit­al applic­a­tion scales from smal­ler con­trol­lers to vir­tu­al machines on serv­ers.