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umati has new partner Bekum Maschinenfabrik GmbH

Bekum Maschinen­fab­rik GmbH is  now part of the umati community

Bekum is a fam­ily run com­pany, foun­ded in 1959, Ber­lin, with more than 300 employ­ees loc­ated in Berlin/Germany, Traismauer/Austria and Williamston/USA, and designs and builds extru­sion blow mould­ing machines to pro­duce plastic hol­low containers.

Since the begin­ning, Bekum has developed numer­ous inven­tions and pat­ents that now

rank among the industry stand­ards for blow mould­ing machines. Today, Bekum offers a wide range of elec­tric machines, which increased demands on con­trol and auto­ma­tion tech­no­logy. With the latest machine con­trol BC 8.0, sensor tech­no­logy and health and con­di­tion mon­it­or­ing assist­ance sys­tems, Bekum is the first blow mould­ing machine man­u­fac­turer to enter the age of AI.