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umati has new partner Alleantia IIoT

Allean­tia IIoT is now part of the umati community

What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership? 

In Allean­tia, the main focus since incep­tion was to enable fast and easy integ­ra­tion between any indus­tri­al machines and applic­a­tions, deal­ing suc­cess­fully with many spe­cif­ic imple­ment­a­tions by dif­fer­ent auto­ma­tion and machines vendors, but with dif­fer­ent and sparse inform­a­tion mod­els.  

Thanks to the part­ner­ship with Umati, we will strengthen our cap­ab­il­ity to man­age con­sist­ent and com­plete data sets, guided by best prac­tices and tailored experts, with the aim of fur­ther effect­ively sup­port­ing both users and applic­a­tions to cre­ate rich digit­al and use­ful digit­al industry pro­cesses and oper­at­ing mod­els. 

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your cus­tom­ers? 

Com­mon inform­a­tion mod­els cre­ated through col­lab­or­a­tion among key stake­hold­ers in indus­tri­al digit­al­iz­a­tion is essen­tial to enable inform­a­tion inter­op­er­ab­il­ity, reuse and aug­ment­a­tion. We believe that access and shar­ing of best prac­tices to cre­ate widely sup­por­ted ref­er­ence mod­els for the met­al work­ing sec­tor will bene­fit our products that will integ­rate umati spe­cific­a­tion both ‘south’ (from machines to Allean­tia products) and ‘north’ (from leg­acy machines to umati-com­pli­ant applic­a­tions), our com­pany, and def­in­itely our cus­tom­ers. 

How do you eval­u­ate the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing industry? 

Com­mon Inform­a­tion mod­els in industry – machines and pro­cesses – will be man­dat­ory, to be usable across com­pan­ies and sup­ply chains that will require, more and more, real time and massive data exchange in a secure, trans­par­ent and cer­ti­fied way. So umati-like ini­ti­at­ives will be not only appre­ci­ated but neces­sary to expand effi­ciently the indus­tri­al digit­al­iz­a­tion. 


About Allean­tia IIoT

Foun­ded in 2011, Allean­tia is a lead­er for its Plug & Play soft­ware solu­tions applied to the Indus­tri­al Inter­net of Things (IIoT). Alleantia’s plug & play IoT tech­no­logy is the beat­ing heart of the digit­al trans­form­a­tion of every indus­tri­al busi­ness. Con­ceived and built to offer sim­pli­city, scalab­il­ity, reli­ab­il­ity, and speed of imple­ment­a­tion, Allean­tia allows each com­pany to achieve max­im­um effi­ciency, thanks to a com­plete con­ver­gence between OT and IT, a wide eco­sys­tem of cer­ti­fied part­ners (applic­a­tion developers, sys­tem integ­rat­ors, cloud plat­forms) and works in part­ner­ship with the main glob­al play­ers in the IT world. A plat­form that allows com­plete IoT integ­ra­tion with a Plug&Play con­nec­tion of any indus­tri­al device or pro­duc­tion line, machine tool, indus­tri­al plant, with any on-premise or incloud IT infra­struc­ture (e.g. Azure IoT Hub from Microsoft or AWS IoT from Amazon or MQTTS), an integ­rated man­age­ment of ‘Enter­prise-grade’ soft­ware, remote install­a­tion and updat­ing of Allean­tia soft­ware, a pro­pri­et­ary lib­rary with 5000 ready-to-use drivers, able to offer high per­form­ance in data acquis­i­tion and in their man­age­ment, inter­pret­a­tion and dis­tri­bu­tion, IT secur­ity, with tech­nic­al sup­port and exper­i­ence recog­nized in Italy and abroad