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umati has new partner RENISHAW

By 02.12.2020May 5th, 2021Partner News

RENISHAW is now mem­ber of the umati community.


What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your cus­tom­ers? 

“umati offers a stand­ards-based pro­tocol developed in cooper­a­tion with lead­ing equip­ment man­u­fac­tur­ers and users. As a data-providefrom machine tools, qual­ity sys­tems and addit­ive man­u­fac­tur­ing machines, Ren­ishaw sees umati as a lead­ing com­mon stand­ard for Industry 4.0. ”

About Ren­ishaw

Ren­ishaw is one of the world’s lead­ing engin­eer­ing and sci­entif­ic tech­no­logy com­pan­ies, with expert­ise in pre­ci­sion meas­ure­ment and health­care. The com­pany sup­plies products and ser­vices used in applic­a­tions as diverse as jet engine and wind tur­bine man­u­fac­ture, through to 3D print­ing, dentistry and brain sur­gery. 

The Ren­ishaw Group cur­rently has 79 offices in 37 coun­tries, with over 4,400 employ­ees, of which over 2,500 people are employed with­in the UK. For the year ended June 2020 Ren­ishaw achieved sales of £510 mil­lion, of which 94% was due to exports. The com­pany’s largest mar­kets are China, USA, Japan and Ger­many.