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umati Brownfield Hackathon

By 10.03.2023News

Con­nect­ing brown­field machines through stand­ard­ized inform­a­tion mod­els with OPC UA com­pan­ion spe­cific­a­tions is a challenge!

To tackle this chal­lenge and give a hands-on exper­i­ence how things work out, we cor­di­ally invite you to our upcoming

umati Brown­field Hackathon

Please save the date: 16. — 17.05.2023

@ United Grind­ing Group — Fritz Studer, Steffis­burg, Switzerland

A big shoutout to United Grind­ing Group for host­ing this 1.5 day event at their location!

Call for tech sponsors:
If you are a sup­pli­er of solu­tions to con­nect brown­field equip­ment with OPC UA com­pan­ion spe­cific­a­tion and you would like the par­ti­cipants to get to know your solu­tion? Please get in touch.

Regis­tra­tion will be pos­sible as soon as all details are set. Please express your interest already now via , if you are plan­ning on joining.