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umati at the Asset Performance 4.0 Hybrid Conference & Exhibition

By 27.10.2021News

The Asset Per­form­ance 4.0 Hybrid Con­fer­ence & Exhib­i­tion is a unique oppor­tun­ity to learn how new 4.0 tech­no­lo­gies and fun­da­ment­als in oper­a­tions, main­ten­ance and asset man­age­ment rein­force each oth­er in order to achieve high­er equip­ment reli­ab­il­ity and cost per­form­ance in asset intens­ive industries.

umati, the uni­ver­sal machine tech­no­logy inter­face, is the com­munity to pro­mote open, stand­ard­ized inter­faces for machine-to-IT and machine-to-machine com­mu­nic­a­tion based on OPC UA. Hereby, umati helps to solve one essen­tial chal­lenge for main­ten­ance and asset man­age­ment: access and free flow of data. By rely­ing on machines and devices equipped with OPC UA com­pan­ion spe­cific­a­tions which are endorsed by umati, and using soft­ware tools that are able to pro­cess data accord­ing to these spe­cific­a­tions, con­nectiv­ity becomes a true “plug and play” exper­i­ence. Com­pan­ies and organ­iz­a­tions in the field of asset and main­ten­ance man­age­ment can unleash new power to provide added value to their cus­tom­ers as they don’t need to block resources for inter­face engin­eer­ing any more. umati is a com­munity from the machine build­ing indus­tries for them­selves and their cus­tom­ers. umati focuses on provid­ing a level play­ing field as the basis for new, prof­it­able added value in a data driv­en economy.

Asset Per­form­ance 4.0 is powered by BEMAS, the Bel­gian Main­ten­ance Asso­ci­ation, a not for profit organ­iz­a­tion in the field of main­ten­ance and asset man­age­ment. BEMAS helps asset intens­ive organ­iz­a­tions on the road to world class main­ten­ance and man­age­ment of tech­nic­al equip­ment and infrastructure.

Want to know more? Check out the Asset Per­form­ance 4.0 web­site!