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Röders GmbH Interview

By 30.09.2024January 7th, 2025Partner News

umati part­ner insights: Focus on inter­faces, innov­a­tions and digit­al developments!

Why is your com­pany an umati part­ner and what advant­ages do you see?

„Umati allows our cus­tom­ers to con­nect their machines very easy with a lot of applic­a­tions for man­ag­ment and optim­iz­a­tion of the production.”


How do you integ­rate the umati inter­faces into your machines/devices/components/software and what advant­ages does this bring for your customers?

„Röders integ­rated the inter­face at its machine con­trol RMS6.”


What innov­a­tions and new products will you be present­ing at the trade fair in this regard?

„The new machine RPT800DSH was integ­rated into the umati network.”


What devel­op­ments do you see for the future of digit­al­isa­tion in mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing and the man­u­fac­tur­ing industry? And how can umati help with this?

„Umati helps to optim­ize the pro­duc­tion for bet­ter eco­nom­ic­al efficiency.”