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RFC: umati Transformation Engine API

By 15.10.2021News

The VDW-Forschungsin­sti­tut e.V. is cur­rently work­ing togeth­er with part­ners and machine tool build­ers to cre­ate a spe­cific­a­tion of the pro­posed Trans­form­a­tion Engine.

This Trans­form­a­tion Engine should be imple­men­ted by con­trol man­u­fac­tur­ers, machine build­ers and third party pro­viders to fur­ther stand­ard­ize the com­mu­nic­a­tion inside a machine. Data from vari­ous sources and tech­no­lo­gies are trans­formed to stand­ard­ized inform­a­tion mod­els and made avail­able via OPC UA.

The pro­ject is cur­rently at stage API defin­i­tion and planned to con­sist of Trans­form­a­tion Engine Ker­nel defin­i­tion and ref­er­ence imple­ment­a­tion as well. For this stage the pro­ject team has now cre­ated an API defin­i­tion, which is not pub­licly avail­able. The VDW and its mem­bers invite the pro­fes­sion­al audi­ence to review the defin­i­tion and provide feed­back and comments.

The API defin­i­tion doc­u­ment is pub­lished as a Release Can­did­ate with the Request for Com­ments at It describes the devel­op­ment pro­cess and the decisions made to devel­op the API. Cur­rently this is designed to be imple­men­ted in C to allow the applic­a­tion on any neces­sary plat­form and device.

Please send your com­ments to Götz Görisch by email or open an issue in the cor­res­pond­ing Git­Hub repos­it­ory.

Involved Part­ners