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OPC UA for Machine Tools - sample implementation published

By 27.11.2020December 7th, 2020News

Today the umati com­munity has released a sample imple­ment­a­tion of the OPC 40501–1 UA for Machine Tools and OPC 40001–1 UA for Machinery as an open source pro­ject based on open62541. With this pro­ject any­one can setup there own sample serv­er with just a few modifications.

This is the first open source pro­ject released by and to the community.

Fur­ther­more, this pro­ject builds a pub­lic dock­er image and is the base for the pub­lic avail­able OPC UA sample serv­er at opc.tcp:// The serv­er provides sev­er­al sim­u­lated machine tools, which show dif­fer­ent exten­sion stages of the specification. 

We are look­ing for­ward to con­tri­bu­tions from the broad OPC UA community.