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OPC UA for Glass Technology

By 17.12.2020January 28th, 2021News

A num­ber of mem­bers of the OPC UA for Glass Tech­no­logy joint work­ing group, estab­lished between VDMA and OPC-Found­a­tion, joined the umati com­munity recently. The group organ­ized a plug­fest to pro­to­typ­ic­ally val­id­ate the imple­ment­a­tion of the “OPC 40601–1 UA for Glass Tech­no­logy Part 1: flat glass” in dif­fer­ent applications.

Due to the cur­rent pan­dem­ic situ­ation, the plug­fest had to take place purely vir­tu­ally. The well-estab­lished umati demon­strat­or infra­struc­ture proved to be very valu­able to con­nect OPC UA serv­ers and cli­ents for testing.

The 8 par­ti­cip­at­ing com­pan­ies provided 7 serv­er and 2 cli­ent pro­to­types, which were used to test the use cases iden­ti­fic­a­tion and job management.

This rep­res­ents an import­ant step towards the release of the spe­cific­a­tion. The pub­lic review phase will take place in the first half of 2021 after incor­por­at­ing the find­ings from the plugfest.

We wel­come the new com­pan­ies A+W Soft­ware, Gren­ze­bach, Lisec, Hegla, Hegla-Han­ic and Tec­glass amongst our umati part­ners and thank Siemens for sup­port­ing in the Glass Tech­no­logy group.


Source: VDMA