The Machine Tool community published OPC 40501–1 UA for Machine Tools v1.01 as Release Candidate
Review it at https://vdw.de/ua4mt-rc
The members of the VDW and OPC-Foundation joint working group published a new version to address further use cases and the needs of automotive customers. Following with the release of OPC 40501–1 UA for Machine Tools v1.00 in September 2020 the work did not slow down, but was running at full throttle despite the not so easy circumstances.
One main topic was more detailed values for KPI calculations to address the legacy monitoring interfaces of automotive customers.
Additionally the Machine Tool working group contributed to the harmonized activities of the OPC UA for Machinery — Machine State work, to standardize a common machine state definition for the whole Machinery and Plant Engineering sector.
With the publishing of OPC 40001–1 UA for Machinery v1.02 Release candidate in November 2021, the working group could now published the updated 40501–1 v1.01 RC which included the 40001–1 v1.02RC use cases and the results of joint work.
This fulfills the promise given at EMO Milano 2021:
Version 2 of OPC UA for Machine Tools targeting the automotive industry
The first version of the OPC UA for Machine Tools aimed to create a data set that is universally applicable to all machine tools. A subgroup of the Joint Working Group for Machine Tools is currently working on standardizing additional analysis data for KPI evaluations. “This will also transfer a large part of the machine and production data which the automotive industry already uses to our open interface,” predicted Prokop. This should make it easier for machine tool manufacturers to gain acceptance for the open interface from their main customer group in the future. The specification is scheduled for publication in the first quarter of 2022.
Please review the published release candidate and send your feedback to Götz Görisch until 30.04.2022.