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Machine Tools milestone reached!

By 18.01.2022News

The Machine Tool com­munity pub­lished OPC 40501–1 UA for Machine Tools v1.01 as Release Can­did­ate

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The mem­bers of the VDW and OPC-Found­a­tion joint work­ing group pub­lished a new ver­sion to address fur­ther use cases and the needs of auto­mot­ive cus­tom­ers. Fol­low­ing with the release of OPC 40501–1 UA for Machine Tools v1.00 in Septem­ber 2020 the work did not slow down, but was run­ning at full throttle des­pite the not so easy circumstances.

One main top­ic was more detailed val­ues for KPI cal­cu­la­tions to address the leg­acy mon­it­or­ing inter­faces of auto­mot­ive customers.

Addi­tion­ally the Machine Tool work­ing group con­trib­uted to the har­mon­ized activ­it­ies of the OPC UA for Machinery — Machine State work, to stand­ard­ize a com­mon machine state defin­i­tion for the whole Machinery and Plant Engin­eer­ing sec­tor.

With the pub­lish­ing of OPC 40001–1 UA for Machinery v1.02 Release can­did­ate in Novem­ber 2021, the work­ing group could now pub­lished the updated 40501–1 v1.01 RC which included the 40001–1 v1.02RC use cases and the res­ults of joint work.


This ful­fills the prom­ise giv­en at EMO Mil­ano 2021:

Ver­sion 2 of OPC UA for Machine Tools tar­get­ing the auto­mot­ive industry
The first ver­sion of the OPC UA for Machine Tools aimed to cre­ate a data set that is uni­ver­sally applic­able to all machine tools. A sub­group of the Joint Work­ing Group for Machine Tools is cur­rently work­ing on stand­ard­iz­ing addi­tion­al ana­lys­is data for KPI eval­u­ations. “This will also trans­fer a large part of the machine and pro­duc­tion data which the auto­mot­ive industry already uses to our open inter­face,” pre­dicted Prokop. This should make it easi­er for machine tool man­u­fac­tur­ers to gain accept­ance for the open inter­face from their main cus­tom­er group in the future. The spe­cific­a­tion is sched­uled for pub­lic­a­tion in the first quarter of 2022.

Please review the pub­lished release can­did­ate and send your feed­back to Götz Görisch until 30.04.2022.