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Laser World of Photonics, 27-30 Jun 2023

By 21.04.2023April 3rd, 2024Events

Laser World of Photonics, the World’s Leading Trade Fair with Congress for Photonics Components, Systems and Applications, sets standards since 1973—in size, diversity and relevance. And that with a first-rate portfolio.


The Laser World of Photon­ics is the only place that fea­tures the com­bin­a­tion of research, tech­no­logy and applic­a­tions. No ques­tion, umati, com­munity of the machine build­ing indus­tries and their cus­tom­ers, can not be missed here. You can find more inform­a­tion about the future of con­nectiv­ity at the VDMA booth for Lasers and laser sys­tems for mater­i­al pro­cessing in hall B3, booth 526. We are glad to see you in Munich soon!