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JIMTOF, 08-13 Nov 2022

By 01.06.2022April 3rd, 2024Events

The Japan International Machine Tool Fair, JIMTOF, starts this year in its 31st edition. It is the most important machine tool trade show in Japan with regional importance for Asia, especially interesting for machine tool users in numerous sectors - including the automobile, construction, aircraft, ship building and energy industries.


The next inter­na­tion­al live demon­stra­tion of umati is just around the corner: On six days, from Novem­ber 8th to Novem­ber 13th, the Japan Inter­na­tion­al Machine Tool Fair (JIMTOF) will be held in Tokyo, Japan at the Tokyo Big Sight (Inter­na­tion­al Expos­i­tion Cen­ter). Many umati part­ners will be exhibiting.

For the first time, our ini­ti­at­ive for the propaga­tion of open machine inform­a­tion con­nectiv­ity stand­ards based on OPC UA will host a live demon­stra­tion in Japan — BE PART OF IT!!
We are look­ing for­ward to hav­ing a lot of machinery, equip­ment, and soft­ware con­nec­ted live from the fair­ground or remotely, so please sign up and register by using the fol­low­ing form until Octo­ber 11th: will be present with an inform­a­tion booth in Hall East 8, booth E8016, to inform about the ini­ti­at­ive, OPC UA, and the bene­fits for cus­tom­ers. If you’re in Japan, stop by and have a drink!
If you have any ques­tions, please do not hes­it­ate to con­tact us.



Hall / Booth
Alli­ance for Numer­ic­al Con­trol Machine Tools Inter­con­nec­tion and Inter­com­mu­nic­a­tion Pro­tocol Standard (remote)
CHIRON Group SE4 / B05
DMG Mori1 / C02
Edgecross Con­sor­ti­umE5/ 047
Fanuc Europe GmbH7 / E02
GF Machin­ing Solu­tions SA
E2 / 006
Dr. Johannes Heiden­hain GmbHE7 / 106
LNS Man­age­ment SarlE3 / 036
MurataMa­chinery, Ltd.E3 / 030
OKUMA Europe GmbH7 / E04/F03
Tongji Uni­ver­sityE8 / 016
Yasda Pre­ci­sion Tools K.K.E5 / 023