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GrindingHub, 17-20 May 2022

By 15.10.2021April 3rd, 2024Events

With its clear focus, international approach and modern, hybrid trade fair concept, the GrindingHub will become the new industry meeting place for grinding technology.


From 17 to 20 May 2022, umati will take the oppor­tun­ity to show the bene­fits of a world lan­guage of mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing at this trade fair’s premiere. We will be present with our own booth in hall 9/booth 9D46 — and we will be in good com­pany with numer­ous umati part­ners. Togeth­er with the pro­ject part­ner ISW Stut­tgart and rep­res­ent­at­ives of indi­vidu­al man­u­fac­tur­ers, we will provide inform­a­tion on all aspects of OPC UA for machine tool build­ing. Of course, the stra­tegic estab­lish­ment of umati as a glob­al com­munity and unique mar­ket­ing com­munity will also play a cent­ral role. Moreover, all umati part­ners are cor­di­ally invited to take part in the live demon­stra­tion and to apply now for the umati joint stand. Register early and secure your participation!


Ready for a live demo?

With the two suc­cess­ful umati live demon­stra­tions at EMO Han­nov­er 2019 and EMO Mil­ano 2021, umati has repeatedly demon­strated glob­al data con­nectiv­ity. You can be part of it next time and show the world how umati makes con­nectiv­ity between machinery and soft­ware easy, secure and seam­less. How the umati live demon­stra­tion works:

  • Machines or com­pon­ents on which the “OPC 40501–1 UA for Machine Tools” spe­cific­a­tion is imple­men­ted can con­nect 1:1 to the umati Data Hub (powered by T‑Systems). This provides cred­ible proof for cus­tom­ers and trade fair vis­it­ors that one is part of the lar­ger move­ment for open inter­faces. The machines don’t have to be at the trade show for this to happen.
  • Soft­ware solu­tions and value-added ser­vices can access the sig­nals of the con­nec­ted machines via the umati Data Hub and show what their products can do with them.
  • Vis­it­ors to the trade fair can access the live data of the respect­ive machine via the web applic­a­tion by scan­ning a QR code attached to the machine.
  • Appro­pri­ate pro­mo­tion­al mater­i­als will be provided for par­ti­cip­at­ing part­ners, includ­ing an over­view bro­chure of who will be par­ti­cip­at­ing in the demon­stra­tion at the show. Fur­ther­more, mar­ket­ing and social media cam­paigns will be offered in the course of the fair
  • To increase aware­ness of the joint ini­ti­at­ive, umati must be vis­ible at all par­ti­cip­at­ing part­ners’ respect­ive booths and appro­pri­ately inform­at­ive con­tact per­sons must be present.

To take part in the live demon­stra­tion just fill out the regis­tra­tion form and send it to by April 11, 2022.


Be part of our com­munity at the joint stand!

The Grind­ingHub offers attract­ive, good value pack­ages avail­able for umati part­ners exclus­ively. As a part of the umati joint stand, you can present your products and solu­tions in the vicin­ity of oth­er umati part­ners and profit from the excel­lent mar­ket­ing and high vis­ib­il­ity umati is well-known for. In addi­tion, the joint stand offers umati part­ners many advantages:

  • a suit­able offer for each exhibitor
  • low plan­ning, per­son­nel and organ­iz­a­tion costs
  • attract­ive price-per­form­ance ratio
  • pro­fes­sion­al sup­port by the organizer

Please send your applic­a­tion form to . Regis­tra­tion for the joint booth is open until Feb­ru­ary 28, 2022.


No mat­ter weth­er you are part of the live demon­stra­tion or the joint stand: Don’t miss the chance to con­vince your cus­tom­ers that open stand­ards based on OPC UA are the future of connectivity!


Hall / Booth
Haas Schlei­fmaschinen GmbH10 / C50
J. Schnee­ber­ger Maschinen AG10 / D30
Retuner9 / D46
Rol­lo­mat­ic SA7 / C70
Röders GmbH9 / A20
Werkzeug­maschinen GmbH + Co. KG
9 / D46
umati9 / D46
United Grind­ing Group- / -
Vollmer Werke Maschinen­fab­rik GmbH7 / C50