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EMO Milano, 04.-09. Oct 2021

By 04.01.2021April 3rd, 2024Events

EMO Milano 2021 will take place from October 4 to 9. The world exhibition dedicated to the metalworking world offers visitors and exhibitors the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas in person for the first time in a long time. Of course, umati will also be there!


umati Event

Let us present to you the cur­rent status of umati and the advant­ages of a com­mon world lan­guage of mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing. We invite both journ­al­ists and exhib­it­ors who want to become part of the ini­ti­at­ive or are already involved to “umati Update: Status Quo and Pro­spects”. The event will take place in the Mar­tini Room at Stella Polare Con­gress Cen­ter on Tues­day, Octo­ber 5, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. To take part in the event, please send your regis­tra­tion to !

Live Demon­stra­tion

After the impress­ive suc­cess of the live demon­stra­tion at EMO Han­nov­er 2019, it is now cer­tain that we will also offer a live demon­stra­tion at EMO Mil­ano 2021. Through­out the show, umati part­ners will once again have access to the proven demon­strat­or infra­struc­ture — free of charge! In this way, the advant­ages of Plug-and-Play can be exper­i­enced live on site by com­pan­ies and vis­it­ors alike.

Register Now!

… and become part of the umati com­munity at EMO Mil­ano 2021! Simply use our regis­tra­tion form and send us a mes­sage to .

Inform­a­tion Stand

umati will also have its own inform­a­tion stand at booth F28/G31 in hall 7 at EMO Mil­ano — in the imme­di­ate vicin­ity of numer­ous umati part­ners. Here, the VDW office will provide inform­a­tion on 100 m² togeth­er with the pro­ject part­ner iSW Stut­tgart and rep­res­ent­at­ives of indi­vidu­al man­u­fac­tur­ers about all aspects of OPC uA for machine tool build­ing and umati as a com­munity. Dur­ing daily Meet the Experts rounds we will per­son­ally find answers to all vis­it­ors’ questions.


Hall / Booth
Anca Europe GmbH2 / F10 / G09
Beck­hoff Auto­ma­tion GmbH & Co KG7 / F28/G32
Buf­falo Machinery Co., Ltd.4 / C12
CHIRON Group SE4 / B05
DMG Mori1 / C02
Emag GmbH & Co. KG4 / A32
Fagor Italia S.r.l.7 / E12
Fanuc Europe GmbH7 / E02
Gebr. Heller Maschinen­fab­rik GmbH- / -
Index-Werke GmbH & Co. KG Hahn & Tessky1 / C17
Kapp Niles3 / E13
Lieb­herr Verzahn­tech­nik GmbH2 / E17
Mit­subishi Elec­tric Europe B.V.7 / F17
Nakamura-Tome Pre­ci­sion Industry Co., Ltd.2 / D08 E09
OKUMA Europe GmbH7 / E04/F03
Profir­oll Tech­no­lo­gies GmbH- / -
Retuner7 / H16
Röders GmbH3 / F25
Siemens AG7 / E06
Takisawa Machine Tool Co., Ltd.4 / D13
Tornos SA1 / C08
umati7 / F28/G31
United Grind­ing Group3 / E31
Vollmer Werke Maschinen­fab­rik GmbH2 / E18 F13
Werkzeug­maschinen­fab­rik WALDRICH COBURG GmbH1 / C09