The umati.app is the central tool to showcase that standardized interfaces are working. EMO Milano 2021 made this clear to everyone once again.
Therefore, the umati community started this spring with the process of making another central element of this demonstrator available for interested parties due to collaborative developement. The umati Dashboard-OPC-UA-client was started based on a proprietary C++ SDK beginning in 2019 in order to be available for the very first demonstration at EMO Hannover 2019. During 2020 the tool has been improved thoroughly and extended in functionality. Integration of new features and bug fixes where hindered by the availability of this SDK to the developers involved.
Getting basysKom on board in May 2021 rapidly let to the decision that the client should be ported to the Open Source SDK open62541 and ought to be made available as open source to the OPC UA and umati community. Thus, the development gained speed and more developers could be involved into the process.
Read more about the story behind it in the blog post by basysKom.
Today we are announcing the release v1.0.0 of the umati Dashboard OPC UA client as Open Source under a Mozilla Public License 2.0.
The key features are:
- Use of the OPC UA Client Server to subscribe to all nodes of a companion specification configured
- Subscription mechanism based on the configured companion specification
- proven compatibility with companion specifications for Machinery, Machine Tools and Wood Working
- new companion specifications can be integrated via configuration file
- … and much more!
We are looking forward for use cases and pull requests for further improvement.