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CIMT, 21 - 26 April 2025

By 04.02.2025March 19th, 2025Events

umati exhib­its at the CIMT 2025

Vis­it us at the umati booth A3-832 (Hall A3). Our team of experts will show you live how umati enables seam­less con­nec­tions between machines and sys­tems, revolu­tion­ising the man­u­fac­tur­ing of the future. Come by and dis­cov­er the pos­sib­il­it­ies of umati connectivity!

The 19th China Inter­na­tion­al Machine Tool Show (CIMT) will take place in Beijing from 21 to 26 April 2025. As the largest and most influ­en­tial exhib­i­tion for machine tools in China, it is one of the four most import­ant trade fairs in the world. Organ­ised by the China Machine Tool & Tool Build­ers’ Asso­ci­ation (CMTBA) and China Inter­na­tion­al Exhib­i­tion Cen­ter Group Lim­ited (CIEC), CIMT2025 offers a total exhib­i­tion area of over 310,000 square metres. Exper­i­ence the latest innov­a­tions, tech­no­lo­gies and trends in the glob­al machine tool industry!

NC-Link and umati Tech­nic­al Exchange Event at CIMT2025

Togeth­er with the China Machine Tool & Tool Build­ers’ Asso­ci­ation (CMTBA), umati is organ­ising the “NC-Link and umati Tech­nic­al Exchange Event”. The event provides a plat­form for dia­logue on the import­ance and added value of open inter­faces in machine connectivity.

Under the motto ‘Stand­ards Empower, Eco­sys­tems Thrive — Unlock­ing Value in Equip­ment Inter­con­nec­tion Pro­to­cols’, experts from CMTBA, VDW, NC-Link and umati will provide insights into cur­rent devel­op­ments and deep­en cooper­a­tion in the field of indus­tri­al interfaces.

The event will take place on 20 April 2025 from 2:20 pm to 5:20 pm in the Con­fer­ence Room of the Cap­it­al Inter­na­tion­al Exhib­i­tion Cen­ter in Beijing (TBC). High-rank­ing rep­res­ent­at­ives from the industry, part­ners of NC-Link and umati as well as media rep­res­ent­at­ives and inter­ested trade vis­it­ors are expec­ted to attend.

Par­ti­cip­a­tion is only pos­sible with pri­or regis­tra­tion, as places are lim­ited. Click here to register.