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umati has new partner NTT DATA Deutschland SE

NTT DATA is now part of the umati community

What expect­a­tions do you have of umati, what do you expect from the partnership?

This part­ner­ship offers advant­ages not only for com­pan­ies who are already com­mit­ted to umati as stand­ard data exchange — the entire PLM/PDM  imple­ment­a­tion will also be extens­ively sup­por­ted. Data con­sist­ency is key — due to open stand­ards as for example OPC UA that are proven in prac­tice to hol­ist­ic­ally sup­port the product devel­op­ment & man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­cess, each act­or in the entire indus­tri­al sup­ply chain can inter­act and com­mu­nic­ate by com­mon framework.

NTT DATA works with com­pan­ies in every industry to trans­form their cur­rent pro­cesses, meth­ods and tools, help­ing them to under­stand their data matur­ity — we not only design the path­way for high­er qual­ity data but also help to imple­ment it, every step of the way. Umati is a piece of the puzzle and can be seen as one of the ena­bler on the way to a hol­ist­ic open data eco­sys­tem along the glob­al value chain.

What advant­ages does umati offer your com­pany and your customers?

UMATI is designed to provide max­im­um cus­tom­er bene­fit for effi­cient col­lab­or­a­tion and ful­filling reg­u­lat­ory require­ments. In addi­tion, shop­floor users now have a cent­ral point of data flow to devel­op the com­mon under­stand­ing of ter­min­o­lo­gies & pro­ced­ures. Thus, also effect­ive track­ing of machine spe­cif­ic oper­at­ing data is enabled and report of CO2 emis­sions feas­ible.  At NTT DATA we under­stand the com­plex­it­ies of data plat­form solu­tions in R&D, the inter­con­nec­ted cus­tom­er expect­a­tion and the value that umati brings to the table. Cus­tom­ers can seam­lessly imple­ment it in their organ­iz­a­tion, enabling to har­ness the full poten­tial of real-time data mon­it­or­ing and visualization.

How do you eval­u­ate the expan­sion of the umati ini­ti­at­ive to the entire mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing industry?

In recent years, cer­tain industry reg­u­la­tions have led to sig­ni­fic­ant changes in the way com­pan­ies need to man­age their busi­ness pro­cesses and data. Real-time cap­ab­il­it­ies, optim­ized work­flows and improved ana­lyt­ics are required. The main dif­fi­culty com­pan­ies face is the need to har­mon­ize and integ­rate data from dif­fer­ent leg­acy sys­tems into com­mon prin­ciples to ensure data con­sist­ency, accur­acy and con­tinu­ity, while migra­tion is a com­plex puzzle that requires care­ful plan­ning and exe­cu­tion. This chal­lenge can be found in all indus­tries world­wide. Put­ting this com­mon “umati lan­guage” into prac­tice will accel­er­ate glob­al syn­er­gies through bet­ter util­iz­a­tion of resources and know­ledge, as well as improved agil­ity and com­pet­it­ive­ness. It will fur­ther strengthen sup­ply chain cap­ab­il­it­ies on a glob­al scale and provide a high and con­sist­ent qual­ity of ser­vice as a cent­ral indus­tri­al data hub.

About NTT DATA Deutsch­land SE

NTT DATA – a part of NTT Group – is a trus­ted glob­al innov­at­or of IT and busi­ness ser­vices headquartered in Tokyo. We help cli­ents trans­form through con­sult­ing, industry solu­tions, busi­ness pro­cess ser­vices, IT mod­ern­iz­a­tion and man­aged ser­vices.  NTT DATA enables cli­ents, as well as soci­ety, to move con­fid­ently into the digit­al future. We are com­mit­ted to our cli­ents’ long-term suc­cess and com­bine glob­al reach with loc­al cli­ent atten­tion to serve them in over 50 coun­tries. Learn more about