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umati at the METAV digital

METAV, the tra­di­tion­al Ger­man trade show for metal­work­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing goes digit­al! From March 23–26, 2021, it opens as a digit­al ven­ue. 3D booths and immers­ive nav­ig­a­tion provide a unique exper­i­ence. Find out more at and umati is part of it!

Register for free.

umati hosts a com­munity booth fol­low­ing the appear­ance as it was already used for the umati WebEvent in Decem­ber 2020.
The core ele­ment is the umati demon­strat­or. This con­sists of a data hub to which machines are con­nec­ted live, as well as a ded­ic­ated dash­board. “umati thrives on users dir­ectly exper­i­en­cing data con­nectiv­ity,” knows Dr. Alex­an­der Broos, Head of Research and Tech­no­logy at VDW. “That’s why the vir­tu­al exhib­i­tion stands and real machines are con­nec­ted via umati’s own dash­board at The data can be viewed live via the respect­ive link sym­bol on the exhib­i­tion stands. Thus, trade show vis­it­ors fol­low the pro­cessing action without delay.”

The cen­ter of the joint stand is a cent­ral umati com­munity booth. At this, vis­it­ors can obtain gen­er­al inform­a­tion about umati, OPC UA and the pos­sib­il­it­ies as well as added val­ues that open inter­face stand­ards cre­ate. Employ­ees of the VDW and the Insti­tute for Con­trol Engin­eer­ing of Machine Tools and Man­u­fac­tur­ing Units (ISW) at the Uni­ver­sity of Stut­tgart will be there to provide more in-depth information.

At vari­ous oth­er booths around the cent­ral booth, the par­ti­cip­at­ing part­ner com­pan­ies will present them­selves. For this pur­pose they use so-called ‘Part­ner Points’, small stands in umati design. Inter­ested vis­it­ors can move between the main booth and part­ner stands and pick up detailed inform­a­tion from the man­u­fac­tur­ers there. They can reach out to con­tact per­sons as well as com­mu­nic­ate with them and have a look at the con­nec­ted machinery or soft­ware. Fur­ther­more, con­tact data can be mutu­ally exchanged in the busi­ness card portal; inter­ac­tion is encour­aged via chat or video conference.

We wel­come the fol­low­ing umati part­ners to umati@METAV digital:

  • Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH
  • EMCO GmbH
  • Gebr. Heller Maschinen­fab­rik GmbH
  • IFW — Leib­n­iz Uni­versität Hannover
  • ISW — Uni­versität Stuttgart
  • iT Engin­eer­ing Soft­ware Innovations
  • OKUMA Europe GmbH
  • Retuner
  • United Grind­ing Group
  • VOLLMER WERKE Maschinen­fab­rik GmbH
  • Xet­ics GmbH Smart Fact­ory Solutions

umati’s appear­ance will com­pleted by a series of Web­Ses­sions on Fri­day, March 26, 2021, start­ing at 10:20 am.

In addi­tion, there will be “Meet the Experts” dis­cus­sion for­ums offered via the umati cent­ral booth.