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Grinding Hub, 14 - 17 May 2024

By 03.05.2024June 17th, 2024Events

umati exhib­its at Grind­ing Hub 2024

The Grind­ing Hub takes places from 14 to 17 May 2024 in Stut­tgart (Ger­many).

The trade fair is organ­ised every two years by the VDW (Ger­man Machine Tool Build­ers’ Asso­ci­ation) in cooper­a­tion with Messe Stut­tgart and Swissmem.

The exhib­i­tion is the inter­na­tion­al hub for sand­ing tech­no­logy and super­fin­ish­ing. It focuses on all com­pon­ents of value cre­ation with­in this tech­no­logy sec­tor. Spe­cial atten­tion is paid to grind­ing machines, tool grind­ing machines and abras­ives. In addi­tion to these core top­ics, all rel­ev­ant soft­ware tools, peri­pher­al equip­ment for the pro­duc­tion pro­cess and the neces­sary meas­ur­ing and test­ing sys­tems for all qual­ity man­age­ment pro­cesses in the field of grind­ing will also be presented.

Con­nec­ted Exhibitors


umati part­nerhall/booth
Hardinge Kel­len­ber­ger AG8 B60
J. Schnee­ber­ger Maschinen AG8 A70
United Grind­ing Group AG9 C51