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AMB, 10 - 14 Sept 2024

By 13.06.2024June 17th, 2024Events

umati exhib­its at the AMB 2024

The AMB is one of the world’s lead­ing exhib­i­tions for metal­work­ing. It takes place every two years at the Stut­tgart exhib­i­tion centre (Ger­many), this year from 10 to 14 September.

Over 1,000 inter­na­tion­al exhib­it­ors will present the latest products, tech­no­lo­gies, innov­a­tions, ser­vices and con­cepts on more than 120,000 square metres of exhib­i­tion space. The exhib­i­tion is divided them­at­ic­ally, with dif­fer­ent halls cov­er­ing spe­cif­ic areas such as machine tools, soft­ware solu­tions and oth­er spe­cial­ised fields.

The umati booth will be in hall 9, booth 9C45.