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METAV, 21-24 Jun 2022

By 06.01.2021April 3rd, 2024Events

The METAV is the gateway to Europe's largest industrial area. Since 1980, it has offered a seamless range of products and services for production technology companies. In 2022, METAV will be back - both real and digital!


From 21 to 24 June 2022, umati will take the oppor­tun­ity to show the bene­fits of a world lan­guage of mech­an­ic­al engin­eer­ing at this 22nd inter­na­tion­al exhib­i­tion for metal­work­ing tech­no­lo­gies. We will be present with our own booth — and we will be in good com­pany with numer­ous umati part­ners. Togeth­er with the pro­ject part­ner ISW Stut­tgart and rep­res­ent­at­ives of indi­vidu­al man­u­fac­tur­ers, we will provide inform­a­tion on all aspects of OPC UA for machine tool build­ing. Of course, the stra­tegic estab­lish­ment of umati as a glob­al com­munity and unique mar­ket­ing com­munity will also play a cent­ral role. Moreover, all umati part­ners are cor­di­ally invited to take part in the live demon­stra­tion and to apply now for the umati joint stand. Register early and secure your participation!


Ready for a live demo?

With the two suc­cess­ful umati live demon­stra­tions at EMO Han­nov­er 2019 and EMO Mil­ano 2021, umati has repeatedly demon­strated glob­al data con­nectiv­ity. You can be part of it next time and show the world how umati makes con­nectiv­ity between machinery and soft­ware easy, secure and seam­less. How the umati live demon­stra­tion works:

  • Machines or com­pon­ents on which the “OPC 40501–1 UA for Machine Tools” spe­cific­a­tion is imple­men­ted can con­nect 1:1 to the umati Data Hub (powered by T‑Systems). This provides cred­ible proof for cus­tom­ers and trade fair vis­it­ors that one is part of the lar­ger move­ment for open inter­faces. The machines don’t have to be at the trade show for this to happen.
  • Soft­ware solu­tions and value-added ser­vices can access the sig­nals of the con­nec­ted machines via the umati Data Hub and show what their products can do with them.
  • Vis­it­ors to the trade fair can access the live data of the respect­ive machine via the web applic­a­tion by scan­ning a QR code attached to the machine.
  • Appro­pri­ate pro­mo­tion­al mater­i­als will be provided for par­ti­cip­at­ing part­ners, includ­ing an over­view bro­chure of who will be par­ti­cip­at­ing in the demon­stra­tion at the show. Fur­ther­more, mar­ket­ing and social media cam­paigns will be offered in the course of the fair
  • To increase aware­ness of the joint ini­ti­at­ive, umati must be vis­ible at all par­ti­cip­at­ing part­ners’ respect­ive booths and appro­pri­ately inform­at­ive con­tact per­sons must be present.

To take part in the live demon­stra­tion just fill out the regis­tra­tion form and send it to by April 15, 2022.


Be part of our com­munity at the joint stand!

The METAV offers attract­ive, good value pack­ages avail­able for umati part­ners exclus­ively. As a part of the umati joint stand, you can present your products and solu­tions in the vicin­ity of oth­er umati part­ners and profit from the excel­lent mar­ket­ing and high vis­ib­il­ity umati is well-known for. In addi­tion, the joint stand offers umati part­ners many advantages:

  • a suit­able offer for each exhibitor
  • low plan­ning, per­son­nel and organ­iz­a­tion costs
  • attract­ive price-per­form­ance ratio
  • pro­fes­sion­al sup­port by the organizer

Please send your applic­a­tion form to . Regis­tra­tion for the joint booth is open until March 31, 2022.


Wel­come to our Meet the Experts and Get-Together.

No mat­ter weth­er you are part of the live demon­stra­tion or the joint stand: Don’t miss the chance to con­vince your cus­tom­ers that open stand­ards based on OPC UA are the future of con­nectiv­ity! In order to do so, we would like to invite all umati part­ners to net­work with your peers at the umati booth, H16 F02. Daily at 11:00 and 15:00, we’ll have a Meet the Experts present­a­tion by ourselves. We would appre­ci­ate if you could find the time at one or the oth­er occa­sion to come over at 10:45 or 14:45, get to know who’s at METAV and maybe stay avail­able for a short state­ment after our present­a­tion. Last but not least, the METAV and the umati team want to cel­eb­rate the reunion of the industry togeth­er with you and are pleased to invite you to our VDW Get-Togeth­er on Wednes­day, 22 June 2022 — from 5:30 p.m.


Hall / Booth
Carl Zeiss Indus­tri­elle Mess­tech­nik GmbHH16 E28
CHIRON Group SEH16 C02
Cit­izen Machinery Europe GmbHH16 C30
Hexagon Met­ro­logy GmbH
H16 C29
Röders GmbHH16 A29
VDMA Mess- und Prüftechnik

H16 E30
WENZEL Group GmbH & Co. KGH16 B39